DJ Harris

DJ Harris


Squat: 425 lbs

Clean & Jerk: 325 lbs

Snatch: 275 lbs

Deadlift: 525 lbs

Fran: 2:24

Murph: 42:37 Rx


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

CrossFit Level 2 Certification

CrossFit Level 3 Certification

CrossFit Specialty Course: Weightlifting w/ Mike Burgener

CrossFit Specialty Course: Aerobic Capacity w/ Chris Hinshaw

CrossFit Specialty Course: Gymnastics

CrossFit Specialty Course: Strongman w/ Rob Orlando

CrossFit Specialty Course: Kids

CrossFit Online Course: Scaling

CrossFit Online Course: Anatomy

CrossFit Online Course: Spot The Flaw

Coming soon:

Certified CrossFit Trainer (CF-L3)

CrossFit Specialty Course: Weightlifting Level 2

About Coach

It’s happening, the dream is becoming a reality… We’re opening a CrossFit gym I’ve hadn’t been able to say “what I want to be when I grow up”… but I think I’ve finally been lead to an answer and this is it. I want to open a kick butt CrossFit gym with an awesome partner to help people work toward their goals, get fit, and just be more awesome human beings. So that’s what Trey Whitaker and I are going to do.

Turning Point

CrossFit has had a massive impact on my life. I met my wife at a CrossFit box. From that, a lot has followed including 2 amazing boys and a recent move to Tolland, CT. I’ve grown as a man in the box and found out more about myself than in any other environment. During the past 5 years, I have had the opportunity to work with incredible individuals, coaches, and leaders in this field. The gyms that I have to give the most credit for my development are Columbia CrossFit and CrossFit BrickYard. Columbia is where it all started. To this day, I still thank my friend Zachary Moran for urging me to come give CrossFit a try. From there I found myself at one of the premier boxes in the state of Connecticut, CrossFit BrickYard. There I was molded into the coach that I am today. Thank you, Gerry Matyschsyk and Michele Maty, for your support and making it possible to realize that this mere vision can become reality. Both of these gyms have given me more than I can ever repay and now it’s my time to pay it forward.

Motivation & Passion

That being said, I am now ready to step into the shoes that I’ve wanted to fill for a while. There is a lot of work to do in the coming months and I’ll be sending more details as they come. At this point, my excitement has reached a new height and I am ready for this next chapter in my life. Thank you to everyone who has supported and continues to support me in this endeavor. Without you, none of this would be possible.

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